Friday, April 25, 2008


If you are in the Pittsburgh area, Animal Friends is having a special Hoppy Hour and Night at the Movies with a showing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail tonight. For more info click "here."

The Butler County. PA Rabbit Breeder Assn. holds it Annual Show this Sunday, April 27th. The show will be held at the Farm Show Grounds, not the County Fairgrounds, so please make note of that. Judging begins at 8:30AM. I plan to be there to take lots of photos that will be published here on the Gazette next week.

Next weekend, May 2,3 & 4 bring the Ohio State R.B.A. Mini Convention in Columbus at the State Fair Grounds. This is usually the biggest show in the U.S.A. if you don't count the National Convention. Many individual breeds hold their Nationals at this show, including Lionheads. I won't be able to make this show because of my current unemployment and ensuing lack of funds. For more info, click "here."

Also don't forget The Rabbit Show will return from hiatus next Sunday, May 4th at 9PM on Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 21, 2008